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The Most Popular Courses on Coursera in 2020

The most popular Coursera courses in 2020 show students are searching for a deeper understanding of COVID-19, abilities linked to employment, and personal passions. When we look at the patterns of the year, Coursera is motivated by the millions of students who, amid the obstacles, have managed to meet their academic objectives.

Top 10 Coursera courses in 2020

Below, you will find the top 10 courses on Coursera you may consider joining. Each of them is different and can teach a different skill:

  • how to track COVID-19 and stay healthy
  • how to be more productive and happy
  • how to build a neural network
  • how to program in Python (from zero to hero)
  • how to speak Korean

and much more! Coursera is a great platform for learning virtually any skill possible. That’s why you might consider buying the Coursera Plus package which is a Netflix-like subscription that allows you to go into any course on the platform and learn freely whatever you want.

And now let’s get into the top 10 courses!

1. The Science of Well-Being

In this course, you face a set of obstacles to improve your own happiness and create more positive behaviors.

Professor Laurie Santos exposes myths about happiness, irritating facets of the mind that cause one to wonder how we are doing, and studies that can help you thrive.

Finally, you are prepared with a specific fitness practice for your life. In short, you will learn:

  • Misunderstandings of happiness
  • Why are our expectations so bad?
  • Why can we conquer our prejudices?
  • Things that make us happy
  • Implementing methods
  • And more!

2. COVID-19 Contact Tracing

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an immense requirement for contact tracing worldwide. This course immediately allows thousands of people to develop essential skills rapidly.

Contact Tracing job qualification requirements vary worldwide, with current jobs available to persons with a high school diploma or at the same level.

This introductory research course will teach the students the science behind SARS-CoV-2, including the contagious phase, how COVID-19 looks, and proof of how SARS-CoV-2 can spread from one person to another. Students can understand how they can contact tracing successfully, establish connections with cases, recognize the contacts involved, and help traced contacts to avoid interactions.

The course also discusses many critical ethical concerns related to contact monitoring, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, students will find out some of the more common obstacles of tracing attempts, along with techniques to resolve them.

In short, you will learn:

  • Basics of COVID-19
  • Basics of Contact Tracing for COVID-19
  • Steps to Investigate Cases and Contact Tracing
  • Ethics of Contact Tracing and Useful Technology (This module teaches you the essential ethical aspects of contract tracing and how we reconcile public health security with personal privacy and autonomy. They can run over some basic scenarios to train you for some of the challenges that trackers face during their job.)
  • Skills for Effective Communication (Good communication is the foundation of an effective relationship between you and your contacts. This involves establishing connections with cases and contacts, listening effectively, and posing the right questions. In this module, you can see and read many sample experiences that illustrate how it should be done.)
  • Course Evaluation

3. Machine Learning

Machine learning is so widespread today that you still may not realize it some dozen times a day. Many researchers even agree that it is the safest path to advance towards human AI. In this lesson, you can hear about the most powerful machine learning approaches and learn to use them to function for yourself.

Overall, you discover the fundamental principles of learning and the functional know-how required to efficiently and successfully implement these techniques to new problems. Finally, you can find some of Silicon Valley’s top innovation methods for machine learning and AI.

This course gives a comprehensive approach to the computer, data processing, and the identification of statistical trends. You can also learn how to apply learning algorithms to the development of smart robots (perception, checking), text comprehension (web scan, antispam), computer vision, clinical sciences, audio, databases, and other areas of study.

4. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)

This course is intended to show all the fundamentals of Python programming computers. They address the fundamentals of creating a program from a set of easy Python instructions.

The course does not have preconditions and removes all except the easiest algebra. Anyone with a mild programming background in this course should be able to learn the content.

This course includes the 1–5 chapters of the “Python for Everyone” textbook. When a student has completed this tutorial, they are ready to take advanced programming classes. Python 3 is covered in this course.

According to one of its students, after attempting lessons and discovering several different Python-learning tools, he finally discovered one that works! It’s an excellent course, and the free textbook is just unbelievable.

5. Learning How to Learn

This course offers you convenient access for specialists in arts, culture, literature, mathematics, education, sports, and several other fields to use learning technologies.

We’ll discover how the brain utilizes two very distinct forms of learning and how it encapsulates knowledge (the “chunks”). We often discuss illusions in learning, retention strategies, the treatment of decay, and best practices shown by the study to assist you in mastering challenging subjects.

With these methods you will improve your thought and life no matter what ability levels you choose to learn in subjects. If you are not an expert, this conceptual cap will give you suggestions for good learning, including counter-intuitive hints and tips to measure your time on homework and projects.

If you struggle, you can see an organized treasure chest of realistic strategies from which you can pursue the actions you need to take. If you ever wanted to get better in learning, this course would help you lead.

This course may be performed independently with or before the Mindshift course. Learning How to Learn is more learning focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.

Although human brains are rather complicated, this module utilizes comparison and metaphor to clarify things. You can encounter several radically different forms of thought and develop your learning in these ways.

You will also be exposed to a method to combat degeneration, have valuable memory knowledge, and gain unexpectedly insightful perspectives about studying and sleep.

They will also talk about chunks. Chunks are lightweight knowledge packets that your mind can navigate quickly.

You can explore how you should build pieces and use them to enhance the material’s comprehension and imagination and how pieces can allow you to develop testing. They would also discuss the illusions of new abilities, the difficulties of overlearning, and the rewards of connecting.

6. English for Career Development

This course is intended for non-native English speakers interested in advancing their careers on the world market. During this course, you will learn how to search for jobs, apply and interview in the United States, and compare your native country’s same process. This course will also give you the chance to explore your global career journey and build your vocabulary and language performance to improve your career goals. The first unit will present the United States application procedure and provide strategies to identify the jobs that correspond to your interests and skills. Unit 2 guides you through the required measures to create a successful resume. Unit 3 creates a straightforward and concise cover letter. The final course unit focuses on networking and interviewing skills.

Anyone can take this course free of charge. If you would like to receive a certificate from Coursera Verified for free, please fill in the financial assistance form.

Unless explicitly mentioned, all course resources are accessible under the Creative Commons 4.0 license to be reproduced, reused, and circulated free of charge. They also offered extra reading content, which publishes regular news stories at the right pace for any English language student.

7. Financial Markets

It summarizes concepts, strategies, and structures that allow human society to handle risks and promote businesses. Stressing financially competent managerial qualities.

Description of existing activities and review of potential opportunities. Introduction of risk control and behavior financing ideals to consider the operation of shares, insurers, and banks in the modern world. This course’s overarching aim is to allow productive use of those businesses and promote a healthier community.

It is a perfect course in all aspects. It introduced me to the financial market and made me want to choose this area to act. Robert Shiller deserves the post of greatest economists that we have, an incredible person.

8. First Step Korean

This course consists of 5 lessons of 4 units and includes four competencies: reading, writing, listening, and communicating. The main topics are the basic expressions used in daily life, such as greetings, introduction, family and everyday life, etc. Each lesson involves dialogues, voice, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes, and role-plays.

You would be required to complete this course

1. Read the Korean alphabet and write it.

2. Communicate with simple phrases in Korean.

3. Gain simple Korean culture awareness.

You can practice the Korean script or the ‘Hangeul’ method of Korean writing. Once the lessons have been finished, you can grasp the concepts of how each letter was invented. You can read and write Hangeul, too.

You can learn how to ask others’ nationalities/jobs and address the questions you have in Korean. After the lessons have been completed, you can introduce yourself, salute a person, and speak about someone’s nationalities and occupations.

You’ll understand family phrases. After the lessons have been done, you can chat with family members and count numbers.

In Korean, you can hear about time and date. And you’re still supposed to claim the days of the week. Using Korean numbers, you may question and respond to time & date after completing the lessons.

You can understand different Korean words about your everyday life. After you finish the classes, you will use informal phrases, pose questions, and answer your regular life.

9. Introduction to Psychology

Why are people afraid? What does it refer to our dreams? Were we racists by nature? What makes us happy? What happens? What are the reasons and therapies for psychiatric illness?

This course aims to address these and several other issues and explains the empirical analysis of thought and behavior. It discusses subjects such as knowledge, communication, listening, recollection, decision making, belief, sentiment, and social behavior.

We would discuss how children grow these facets of mind, how they vary between individuals, how they are wired in the brain, and how they disintegrate because of disease and wound.

You can hear about common psychology constructs and psychological studies. We can continue by discovering the physical foundation of our mental lives in the area of neuroscience. We then shift to two key psychological ideas that form the environment we exist in now — psychodynamic Freud’s theory and Skinner’s behavioral theory.

You can hear about fundamental psychological learning and language studies. Specifically, you hear about approaches to research how infants and children think and the main results they have brought about. You can then understand the language structure, how language is taught, and finish with animal contact, language treatment, and the interaction between language and thinking.

Finally, you can hear from self-examination psychology and others. In specific, you can hear about social and non-social feelings in the first half. You will understand how we interact with others in the second half — social science.

10. Write Professional Emails in English

This is a course to help you compose business emails effectively in English. This course is interesting since every module provides tips for creating more professional emails and lessons to develop your overall skills in writing.

Therefore, you will develop your grammar and vocabulary skills for email writing and improve your cross-cultural understanding to render your business correspondence better and more effective. You can study various types of email and evaluate the tone, formality, and different forms of organization.

You should boost the introductory emails, announcements, demands, and emails that apologize about or revise a submission. In this course, 4–5 emails are published and updated, some understanding assessments will be performed, and some learners will obtain emails.

After this course, you will

  • Improve your published English abilities overall
  • See variations and parallels between numerous email formats.
  • Write more powerful topic lines and document email.
  • Extend the key language to different email forms
  • Fix basic mistakes including punctuation and capitalization
  • Formality of email
  • Consider how society impacts correct company emails.
  • Write efficient, competent company emails.
  • Cultural influences on all the emails.
  • Learn how people interact and how to use these variations in email writing.
  • Analyze and recognize the characteristics in emails of appeal and excuse.
  • Study basic vocabulary relevant to asking and apologizing.

A final note on top 10 courses on Coursera

If you made it this far, you’re really interested in Coursera. That’s great!

If you prefer a video version of this text, have a look here:

2020 most popular courses on Coursera

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